Fat LossThe 4-Hour BodyWeight Loss

Shiver Walk to Fat Loss

Let me start off apologizing for the dopey smile I have on my face. For those who’ve not heard the news via Twitter, I am officially down 6% body fat to 15%! That means that I’m just 5% away from the epic 10% goal that I set back in September 2010. From what I’ve heard this is where the going gets tough (as I write this I’m eating pizza), so I’ve decided to add cold exposure to my fitness routine with the hope of melting (or I guess in this case freezing) that fat away. The method of cold exposure I’ve chosen, because of the absolutely frigid air this time of year in MinneSNOWta, is adding shiver walks to my fitness routine.

Below is a video of my first shiver walk.

Shiver Walks are a topic touched on briefly by Tim Ferriss in his book The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman. In his chapter “Ice Age – Mastering Temperature to Manipulate Weight” Tim introduces us to Ray Cronise. Ray was a high-ranking material scientist for NASA who specialized in biophysics and analytical chemistry. He developed a nagging obsession with how swimmer Michael Phelps was able to consume in excess of 12,000 calories/day while training, without weight gain. Through his own experimentation Ray successfully turned his curiosity into several methods anyone can use to jump-start their weight loss.

Without Cold Exposure: Ray lost a respectable 22lbs in 12 weeks

With Cold Exposure: Ray lost an amazing 27lbs in merely 6 weeks!

For more on using cold exposure to jump-start weight loss be sure to check out my post “Use Thermodynamics to Lose Fat?

I encourage you to check out Tim Ferriss’ site at: fourhourbody.com and/or his Youtube channel here: FourHourBody on Youtube

As well as Ray’s site for more on his cold exposure methods: hypothermics.com


  1. Have any of you added any of the methods described in “The 4-Hour Body” to your fitness routines?
  2. If so, which ones and what are your experiences so far?

Live the dream,

Lean Muscle Matt

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